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AirAsia Discussion

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15 September 2020 01:09:00 Igor Verescak

I created my Credit Account because of my Flight has been cancelled due to Covid 19.... in my Account is the Case closed, but i got any money/credit back.... it is impossible to get Answer, what happend.... Somebody with this Situation?

08 September 2020 01:09:00 Stuart

In March AA cancelled our flights, 2 weeks later they stopped flying here PER. Our fares were refundable. In April we receive an email offering refund/credit. telling us to log in to account and click 'ask airasia - Ava' chat, there we were given the option of refund or credit, we chose refund, time frame for refund was shown as 3 weeks. 7 months later still no refund and now they send us a 'no reply' email proclaiming we were successful in having our cancelled flights credited to our account.! So no refund and no way to contact them, no customer service email address or phone number, no way of contacting a real person, just their AI 'ask airasia - Ava' chat, completely useless. Honesty is in desperate short supply with this mob. If you've been luck enough to pay with Visa card claim a charge back, because there is no way you will get a refund. Expect this company to go belly up soon, their debts exceed their assets.

08 September 2020 06:09:00 Guest

Air Asia has not credited my account but has closed my case as resolved I lost my money and there is no way to get this resolved

07 September 2020 09:09:00 jennifer sante

can anyone from AA help me,ive been trying to open the credit account page on my mobile but credit account would not open, the email says that the amount has been credited on my credit account successfully but there’s nothing to show on the is so frustrating that i can’t have my money back..

04 September 2020 11:09:00 Guest

Tried to check-in for my flight tomorrow but surprised to see that my return flight is cancelled. I didn’t receive any email or any notice. When checked booking status, return flight still appears. When I do flight search, I can’t find it. My return flight chat room has been disabled as well.

04 September 2020 11:09:00 Guest

Krithika : Credit account is not being opened through firefox either. We need immediate solution for this issue if not we would file complaint against airasia airlines. This problem solved by opening the Airasia credit acnt through Safari. It is working.

02 September 2020 09:09:00 Prateek Jain

During web check-in, there is a default date against my DOB and I'm unable to change it.

02 September 2020 06:09:00 Kwan

Guys, I just tried using Microsoft Edge and it works. The Credit Account appears on payment page and you can click apply to your payment. Try it out! Believe me, I know the frustration because I've been trying so hard since last night and AVA is totally NOT HELPFUL at all. Worse of all, AirAsia does not have a point of contact besides AVA. If AA is reading this, please take note that it is important to have a point of contact especially when AVA does not understand the concern.

01 September 2020 11:09:00 Piere

Ava sucks, can't change my booking flight date too

01 September 2020 09:09:00 Krithika

Credit account is not being opened through firefox either. We need immediate solution for this issue if not we would file complaint against airasia airlines.

01 September 2020 02:09:00 Simon

What firefox? Im using AirAsia mobile App.still show blank in credit account.

01 September 2020 10:09:00 Azad

You guys need to use either Firefox or Edge to check your credit status. Chrome is incompatible with Airasia's webpage.

31 August 2020 08:08:00 Guest

Its been the same for me, cant see the credit amount

31 August 2020 06:08:00 Guest

GuestNG HUEY KUI : Hi I have been trying to see my Credit account page in my airasia membership BIG page, but everytime i click my credit account status page IT IS A BIG BLANK PAGE. CAN AIR ASIA FIX MY PROBLEMS ?? I HAVE ALREADY ASKED AIR ASIA IN THE AVA CHATS,, BUT THIS CREDIT ACCOUNT PAGE IS STILL EMPTY. PLEASE FIX MY PROBLEM. THANKS NG HUEY KUI Its the same for me. I cant seem to load my credit page either.

30 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

Facing problem to check my credit account as well. Please clarify, management team.

30 August 2020 06:08:00 CAVRIL NEWTON

Recovery expert referral.I lost my bitcoin to fake impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet account,whereby  7.0938 btc  was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i banked up on , waiting for bitcoin rate to improve . Then  my niece recommended me to an expert, I researched online and found the recovery expert , with the contact address- QUADHACKED@GMAIL.COM .I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he  helped me recover my bitcoin  just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam  .

30 August 2020 09:08:00 GuestNG HUEY KUI

Hi I have been trying to see my Credit account page in my airasia membership BIG page, but everytime i click my credit account status page IT IS A BIG BLANK PAGE. CAN AIR ASIA FIX MY PROBLEMS ?? I HAVE ALREADY ASKED AIR ASIA IN THE AVA CHATS,, BUT THIS CREDIT ACCOUNT PAGE IS STILL EMPTY. PLEASE FIX MY PROBLEM. THANKS NG HUEY KUI

30 August 2020 04:08:00 FI

I have been trying to check my Credit Account on Air Asia webpage and it's not loading. What is going on?? Can Air Asia please fix this?

30 August 2020 02:08:00 Mister Potato

Air Asia credit account page has been down for more than 1 week.. Is this the service of World's Best for 11th consecutive year?

29 August 2020 03:08:00 Anthony

I cant check my credit account.... blank page!!!

29 August 2020 12:08:00 adelenn11

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28 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

Guest : I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too. Me too

28 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

My credit account isn't showing anything either, just a blank white page

28 August 2020 02:08:00 Guest

Guest : I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too. Got the same problem. Their AVA is useless!

28 August 2020 02:08:00 Guest

Guest : Why isn't the credit account page loading? got the same problem

18 August 2020 04:08:00 Guest


17 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

I am tired of talking to Air Asia. I have told them & told them regarding my full refund to be recredited back to the original payment. It just goes around and around ... it is quite simple: Booking : IRNQ6L Air Tickets + Hotel BOOKING through AIR ASIA GO. The debit from my Credit card was done in two withdrawals, AUD $511 + $599 I have only been refunded 10,168 baht from what I can work out. Dear Air Asia, please check the booking number and ticket info I have sent you that shows the total I paid back in February was MYR 3,074 so why have you not processed the total amount for AIR ASIA GO hotel + Air tickets. Thank you.

17 August 2020 04:08:00 SB

Refund : booking IRNQ6L Hotel + Air ticket Total paid on Credit Card : AUD $511 + AUD $ 599 = $ 1,111.00 APPROX. Refund received : AUD $ 511 Outstanding to be refunded : AUD $ 599 ( AASIAGO*7519300007536 - this is the debit number. I am still waiting for the MYR 1,656.34 TO BE REFUNDED. please find attached Ticket + Hotel ( AIR ASIA GO ) number above.

15 August 2020 12:08:00 Guest

Why isn't the credit account page loading?

13 August 2020 11:08:00 Gina

Just wondering why the trip from Phuket to Manila via KUL is cheaper than Phuket to Manila via DMK. It's more than twice as much cheaper. What's the catch? What is the COVID procedures in KUL? Is it too costly or too cumbersome?

11 August 2020 10:08:00 Guest

Guest : I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too. I suggest u go direct to doing your booking and later at the payment page, u'll find the credit account as your payment option, u'll be able to see your balance and deduct the appropriate amount of your purchase there.

08 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

what does null means on refund case

05 August 2020 11:08:00 Vladimir Leonov

Me too!

05 August 2020 11:08:00 Vladimir Leonov

Guest : I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too.

05 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

Guest : I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too. me too

03 August 2020 05:08:00 Guest

Guest : I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too. Same here too.

01 August 2020 10:08:00 Devender kumar

cant getting boarding pass on web check in

01 August 2020 07:08:00 Guest

I clicked into my credit account details after I logged in, but was unable to see the balance on it. Everything was white and there are no records of my credit account. I've reported this to 'Ava', but had not received any feedback since. What am I supposed to do? Can't make any payment with my credits too.

28 July 2020 09:07:00 Guest

Guest : Hi.. ihave booked ticket from blr to vtz for 03.08.20 , i got iternery and web check in also done but if i search the flight number in air asia website it was not showing on particular date. flight no: I5 1452

28 July 2020 09:07:00 Guest

Hi.. ihave booked ticket from blr to vtz for 03.08.20 , i got iternery and web check in also done but if i search the flight number in air asia website it was not showing on particular date.

28 July 2020 08:07:00 Gautam

Unable to do web Check In for my flight N8VMSH for flight number I5-1621

28 July 2020 04:07:00 Guest

Abel : Hey, I've got an AirAsia refund case in progress but it's stated payment method: null. What does "null" mean?Same with me - just yesterday. Did you receive your refund?

28 July 2020 04:07:00 Tina

does anyone know why air asia have placed the word NULL next to my refund status.

27 July 2020 01:07:00 Guest

Bitcoin is the future of world currency and businesses, many has fall a victim to scammer’s while some can't even access there bitcoin Wallet due to some reason or the other, good news with Mills Dachin Quality jobs Delivery Assured when it come to Hacking!! We have help Individuals Organization to Secure and to Recover there lost files/Password/funds etc. We Are Hacker 4Hire.‬ ‪Email:-‬ ‪

25 July 2020 02:07:00 Guest

Guest : Im trying to do a web check in for my flight BLR-VSP and i am seeing invalid mobile number error. Can we check in at the airport without web check in? Deepika Hi, You have to enter your phone number in +91 format. Then it will take. Thanks, RD

25 July 2020 01:07:00 Guest

Guest : Im trying to do a web check in for my flight BLR-VSP and i am seeing invalid mobile number error. Can we check in at the airport without web check in? Deepika Yes, you can do a web check-in of your flight. Here is how to do it: Please go to any check-in counter. Show your PNR or web boarding pass and staff will print your boarding pass. There are kiosk self-check-in counters available at airport or even before proceeding to the security hold area. Enter your PNR and print your boarding pass. I hope this helps! Regards, Admin |

25 July 2020 08:07:00 Guest

Im trying to do a web check in for my flight BLR-VSP and i am seeing invalid mobile number error. Can we check in at the airport without web check in? Deepika

24 July 2020 02:07:00 Guest

I am unable to do my web check in

24 July 2020 12:07:00 Guest

I want to book tickets to India. But I not able to book tickets. In the last page. Purchase button is disabled

22 July 2020 02:07:00 Guest

TR : Hi all, I hope this might help u guys about your credit account with AirAsia.. n FYI I’m not with AirAsia 😂😂.. 1st u have to login to n if u r not member with AirAsia I guess have to register 1st.. then after that click your name then “My account” ..Then click “credit Account “ u will see your credit there.. For booking either website or apps, payment method can be use “credit account” that u have.. there’s a small red highlight at the bottom... Cheers !

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