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AirAsia Discussion

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07 August 2022 07:08:00 Guest

Guest : I am having same issue with trying to pay for flights. "We're unable to process your payment. Please use another card payment method to complete your booking or contact..."I am having the same problem

06 August 2022 03:08:00 Guest

I am having same issue with trying to pay for flights. "We're unable to process your payment. Please use another card payment method to complete your booking or contact..."

05 August 2022 02:08:00 Guest

We used our debit cards to process payments AirAsia repeatedly sent the messages 'We're unable to process your payment. Please use another card payment method to complete your booking or contact....". We did contact our banks and the banks advised to contact AirAsia as no problems with the banks. We sent messages to AVA yet the problems never solve till this minute.

04 August 2022 01:08:00 Guest

Guest : Guest Y : I successfully apply the travel voucher today! Yesterday cannot apply, I don’t do anything however today can apply the voucher. how do you apply? Abc : Hello trash airline, qu8ckly refund us the credit. It is not even cash money!!! Guest : i just wanna ask how to convert credit balance from airasia to cash?

31 July 2022 08:07:00 Siti Nurhasyikin

Hello. I would like to get rid the ‘unwanted flight’ in my booking. I didnt pay yet and I want to cancel. It happened due to the TAC number that not appear

29 July 2022 05:07:00 Dani Norain

My credit account value is missing eventhough it was announced that the balance will be auto extended to 36 mtns, which is next year 2023. What is happening?

29 July 2022 09:07:00 Guest

My credit account supposed to be expired on 2023. Why suddenly expired on 2022? I need my credit account back.

28 July 2022 01:07:00 Yeow

I want to complaint about the matter, asking why there was an expiry date for the credit and what would happen if, during the two-year period, I was unable to travel.

24 July 2022 06:07:00 Abc

Hello trash airline, qu8ckly refund us the credit. It is not even cash money!!!

24 July 2022 06:07:00 Magmoz

My credit account was cancelled on the 11.07.22. No email to inform of this. Even though I am certain that the credit expiry date was September 2022. Could not use the credit as no flights are scheduled from Melbourne. Communicating with Air Asia is extremely difficult.

23 July 2022 11:07:00 Guest

My credit account expired although I had received email from air asia for the credit account extended for 3 years

22 July 2022 10:07:00 Guest

Hello, why my credit account has expired? It's not yet 3 years.

20 July 2022 04:07:00 Shazreen

Hi. I am very dissapointed how airasia treat their customer. I have the amount of rm4405 in my credit account due to covid19. Once I need to use my credit acoount, it is not valid anymore. Please extend as i have not received any email from you about the expiry date.

19 July 2022 04:07:00 Anne

I want to use credits to to pay for an Air Asia flight in India. When I try to use my credit at the payment page it says it can only be used for Air Asia flights. It is an AA flight. Can't you use them for flights in India??

18 July 2022 01:07:00 Guest

Does anyone know how to check the travel voucher balance?

18 July 2022 07:07:00 Guest S

Hi....have anyone receive any from Airasia for the refund voucher? The refund amount was not the same as the amount that i claim. Trying to chat seek for help. The customer service from Airasia now is a ROBOT!!!! they cant help. Emailed them no response. Please help!!!

17 July 2022 05:07:00 joy

why did my credit account suddenly got expired? i need an explanation! it's a huge amount so if you think that the credit took much of your space, kindly refund me my hard earned money AirAsia!

16 July 2022 02:07:00 Jane

I also same, my expire date should be next year Apr 2023, today suddenly shown expired on 10Jul2022, now 0 credit.

16 July 2022 10:07:00 Ibi

Same here. When I checked last time the credit expiry was Mar 2023. When I checked today, it expired yesterday?! What is happening?

16 July 2022 10:07:00 Guest

I received a voucher for the credit recently. So perhaps check your email for any vouchers?

15 July 2022 05:07:00 Guest

Airasia, why are you voiding all my credit suddenly without a notification? Earlier you have extended the credit validity to year 2023 but now you change the expiry year back to 2022? Can you not refund all the affected passengers in cash instead?

13 July 2022 09:07:00 Guest

Same issue here. I just checked today. One of my flights credits is missing. The rest still there but the expiry year went back to 2022 (received my refunds in credit points in 2020). Airasia already automatically extended the validity to 3 years from 2020 but now it changed back to 2 years. Dunno what the heck is going on.

13 July 2022 08:07:00 J-Sern

Same issue here Navamany : My credit account showed that the credit amount expires in May 2023. When I checked yesterday my credit account shows 0 and that it expired on May 22 2022. Why has the amount in the credit suddenly disappeared. Would appreciate an explnation from Airasia Navamany : My credit account showed that the credit amount expires in May 2023. When I checked yesterday my credit account shows 0 and that it expired on May 22 2022. Why has the amount in the credit suddenly disappeared. Would appreciate an explnation from Airasia

07 July 2022 05:07:00 Patt

i just realized my credit accounts has been expired. how can i get it back? its quite a huge amount. wasn't sure on the expiry date? could anyone assist on how should i go about this

06 July 2022 06:07:00 Guest

How to apply the credit account balance for a new booking.Please help

01 July 2022 01:07:00 Guest

Hello air asia, i want to complained about your service. I receive a choice to refund as credit account or full bank/credit card account . They ask me to provide my detail account holder name & account number. I just sent through email my detail but why i receive through my money through credit account? I want through debit card my full account card original mode of payment . I want my money back through that not from credit account air asia because i dont want continue my flight because i have emergency at my workplace.

27 June 2022 09:06:00 Amy

Navamany : My credit account showed that the credit amount expires in May 2023. When I checked yesterday my credit account shows 0 and that it expired on May 22 2022. Why has the amount in the credit suddenly disappeared. Would appreciate an explnation from Airasia Yes same with me suddenly expired. Have not yet receive response from AA. Have you received any response from them?

26 June 2022 05:06:00 Navamany

My credit account showed that the credit amount expires in May 2023. When I checked yesterday my credit account shows 0 and that it expired on May 22 2022. Why has the amount in the credit suddenly disappeared. Would appreciate an explnation from Airasia

24 June 2022 03:06:00 Guest

Guest Y : I successfully apply the travel voucher today! Yesterday cannot apply, I don’t do anything however today can apply the voucher. how do you apply?

23 June 2022 08:06:00 Guest

I try to book a ticket for 6-7 times. And every time I click the button to proceed ti the payment, it always showed there are new fares now, please update your ticket again. And I need to book again and the price is getting higher, I can’t even buy the insurance too, the insurance option was missing. At the end, it showed the same option again, there are new fares, please update. This process took me more than 1 hour. What’s is this problem?

22 June 2022 09:06:00 Y Guest

My all expired credit point has been credited successfully to travel voucher. For those can try check your email on the same expired day of credit point. However, the travel voucher cannot apply yet. Has anyone successfully used their AA travel voucher for D7 flights? If anyone has successfully redeemed their AA travel voucher, kindly share your experience. Thank you in advance.

21 June 2022 05:06:00 Guest

The site doesnt accept any credit cards to pay even though all of them work. It just gives an error: can't process payment.

18 June 2022 10:06:00 su

Guest : hi i have an airasia credit account but how can i use it airasia is not operating in japan anymore ME TOO !!! Air Asia cancelled the flights then now took all my credit points with NO inform at all !!!!

16 June 2022 06:06:00 Ling

Tsuey Shan : Me too! Last month checked still shown the expiry date is May 2023. Today check again the system indicated expired in May 2022!!! Ridiculous!!! Same here! I rmb mine was supposed to expired by May 2023, suddenly became 2022 and expired!! Now credit account 0

16 June 2022 12:06:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Guest : Guest : inside my credit account got moeny, but cannot pay add on using credit account.........any help? thats maybe because of the flight operator not airasia? do u check it how to check the flight operator not airasia? i bought the ticket flight using AirAsia account with excess credit account....but when to add it, it does not show the credit account option I have also checked my credit acoount, all the credit point is gone. Like seriously AA, u didnt even notify us about the expiry....

16 June 2022 09:06:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : Guest : inside my credit account got moeny, but cannot pay add on using credit account.........any help? thats maybe because of the flight operator not airasia? do u check it how to check the flight operator not airasia? i bought the ticket flight using AirAsia account with excess credit account....but when to add it, it does not show the credit account option

16 June 2022 09:06:00 Guest

Guest : Guest : inside my credit account got moeny, but cannot pay add on using credit account.........any help? thats maybe because of the flight operator not airasia? do u check it how to check the flight operator not airasia?

15 June 2022 06:06:00 Guest

Guest : inside my credit account got moeny, but cannot pay add on using credit account.........any help? thats maybe because of the flight operator not airasia? do u check it

15 June 2022 06:06:00 Guest

inside my credit account got moeny, but cannot pay add on using credit account.........any help?

14 June 2022 02:06:00 limlaimei

I have similar experience as per Imelda. I had checked my Air Asia a/c in Nov 2021 (after the Creditors Convened Meeting (“CCM”) on AirAsia X restructuring held on 12.11.2021), where my refunded amount of the cancelled flights (should departure in June 2020) of RM3.001.20 is appeared in my credit account (which will be expired in Year 2023). I have tried to made an air ticket booking to test if the money in credit account can be used, it's allowed to deduct from the credit account, so I feel safe at that moment. Now, I want to book tickets to Sabah and suddenly I cannot access my account, it's said "Sorry, you have entered an invalid email and/or password. Please reconfirm your email and/or password and try again" So, I'm clicking the forgot password, the reset password link should send to my registered email - The message prompt out (as per pic attached) - if this a/c exist, a password reset email will be sent to Kindly click the link in the email to reset your password. However, I do not receive the password reset email, this made me suspect that my a/c no longer in Air Asia system and my money is gone! I've tried email to and a case number is created for it on 11.06.2022. I've received an replied email from Air Asia on 12.06.2022 stated - Reach out to Live Chat/AVA, and my case was being closed. Then, I spend a whole day on 13.06.2022 from 8:30am until 7pm to Reach out to Live Chat. It's is because I need to go through Chat with AVA now - Main Menu Flight Booking with Non Asia Flights - choose 3. No, I don't have a booking yet - What do I contact for urgent help ? - Talk to Allstar - u need to give email address, Full name, None (if no booking number), then I need to queue for about 30-40 persons. When it reached my turn and told the "human" all your story, he/she will tell you - SORRY, I unable to help you, PLS wait, I transfer you to another team, then there are 100-200 persons in front of you. The FUNNY point is you will keep on being kicked out from the system and you need to repeat the whole process from Chat with AVA now. I'm "lucky" when I wait until 7pm with non-stop repeat the whole process, I manage to get the CORRECT human, finally he told me I have created a case for you, this is your case number and please waiting for the email. I'm even begged him to at least help me to check if my email address registered still exist in Air Asia system, he said "Sorry, I can't help you" I tried to check my credit a/c balance via the AVA yesterday, it's indicate unable to retrieve the info due to technical issue and today it's stated "Oops, I'm sorry it looks like I am unable to check your Credit Account balance at this time". and ask me to log into Air Asia a/c to check. (@#$%^&&**) Conclusion : Air Asia may have deleted my Air Asia a/c and my RM3k+ is GONE! Anyone can help, Please help!!!

AirAsia  AirAsia  AirAsia 
13 June 2022 06:06:00 Imelda

Hi everyone! I had received the refunded amount of the cancelled flights from April 2020. All credited back to my credit account and it will expired this Oct 2022 (if I am not mistaken, I received text message saying that it will be expired on 2023). Now, I want to book tickets to Penang and suddenly I cannot access my account. “The email is not valid”. I have tried to email airasia big team regarding this issue. Seems no good solution just got the email stated the case is closed. Wtf! The customer service even says that my big id number is someone else’s whom I don’t recognize. How come? Did someone hijacked my account?

13 June 2022 11:06:00 Guest

i just wanna ask how to convert credit balance from airasia to cash?

12 June 2022 05:06:00 Tsuey Shan

Me too! Last month checked still shown the expiry date is May 2023. Today check again the system indicated expired in May 2022!!! Ridiculous!!!

12 June 2022 02:06:00 Nurol

I cannot add on luggage , please help as my flight this evening

11 June 2022 09:06:00 Guest

Error in booking a flight

11 June 2022 06:06:00 Guest

Hi My Airasia credit is already expired in May 2022. I thought it would be for 3 years duration. how to solve this matter?

10 June 2022 11:06:00 Guest

Your add on is unsuccessful due to a system error. Refresh this page or try to check in again.

09 June 2022 09:06:00 Guest

Guest : Seriously what happened to our credits? All of sudden it disappeared from my account. I remembered clearly it expires at March 2023 but now it shows that credit had expired on May 2022. I am facing the same issue, what does AA have to say about this?

08 June 2022 06:06:00 Guest

Seriously what happened to our credits? All of sudden it disappeared from my account. I remembered clearly it expires at March 2023 but now it shows that credit had expired on May 2022.

08 June 2022 05:06:00 Guest

Guest : Both of my AirAsia flights have been cancelled just days after purchase. Email received from AirAsia with regards to cancellation is extremely deceiving as the options they offer are: -change flight tickets. -Request credit account. The credit account option makes you believe the money will be credited back to your credit card but it is not. Once you find out that the money has been credited to you AirAsia account it seems impossible to request a proper refund. It seems you can request a refund through AVA (customers affected by cancellations are not informed about this in the cancellation email) but this is not allowed once the money has been put in your credit account. On top of this sending emails to AirAsia seems useless as they simply redirect you to AVA which they know it can not solve the issue. How on earth can this be legal? i want to cry because i just know about it too, im really frustrated right now

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