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AirAsia Discussion

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23 February 2022 07:02:00 Guest

what credit account can use at? only airasia airline?

23 February 2022 05:02:00 Guest

Seems like Air Asia reps are not answering anybody's questions.

21 February 2022 12:02:00 Faiznur Anis

I do not have the pay with credit account option in the payment method even though I have the credit account with a sufficient amount to pay. Why is that? How can I resolve this so I can pay with my credit account balance

20 February 2022 06:02:00 Guest

Why am I not seeing credit account as an option to pay?

18 February 2022 11:02:00 Guest

how to add money in credit account?

15 February 2022 11:02:00 Guest

Feb 14th hyd to blore flight I5-1518 1) actual departure 1030 pm , which has been preponed by air asia to 0745pm due to operational issues (may be less booking, as I observed we were clubbed with goa passengers) . THIS IS SPOILING OUR PLANS AFTER PAYING A HEFTY TICKET PRICES. 2) web check was not working on air asia site from previous day till 3 hrs to departure. Eventuallu when I at hyd airport kiosk is not working, when reached counter they asked for 200/ ticket. Why do you even have to charge for boarding pass when there are genuine issues. On feb 14th isnt there a outage situation on your website ? you cant just send boarding pass over an email. Afterall we paying for ticket , service tax and also SEAT ! Thank god you are not charging for oxygen in the flight.

14 February 2022 06:02:00 Guest

What happen to my credit account? I can't find it during payment method. I still have few months before it expires. Please help

10 February 2022 08:02:00 Guest

how do i refund for a failed booking?

10 February 2022 04:02:00 Guest

My credit account was gone, and it not even expired yet, what is the problem with airasia? Always wanted a problem.. 🙄

09 February 2022 11:02:00 AirAsia Frequent User

I'm currently having problem where I am unable to login my AirAsia. Please solve this issue or you'll slowly lose your regular customer

09 February 2022 07:02:00 Jake

Airasia what happened? All flights to cebu are gone. I need to book. Last monday all flights have. But yesterday and today all gone. What are you doing airasia? I need to use my credit account balance asap. Poor service

07 February 2022 11:02:00 Guest

Guest : Airasia please do something about this problem. I have book my ticket but no option of credit account to pay my ticket maybe you purposely remove option to cover your loss or something? Hmmm i smell fishy here....

05 February 2022 06:02:00 Yen Kok Ho

Why was my credit notes HZTTFG and HTD6NC deducted on 5th Jan 2020 without me making any purchase of tickets? Now I am stuck for not being able to purchase tickets for myself and family. Can AA reinstate back the deductions asap so I can utilize the credits as your boss Tony Fernandes has pledged to all AA customers? I have sent several emails regarding this issue and so far AA has not responded at all. Thank you.

04 February 2022 04:02:00 Guest

Airasia please do something about this problem. I have book my ticket but no option of credit account to pay my ticket maybe you purposely remove option to cover your loss or something? Hmmm i smell fishy here....

02 February 2022 04:02:00 Guest


01 February 2022 06:02:00 ancham

Kristine : John Thomas : Please let me know when ‘temporarily unavailable’ problem with credits is going to be resolved. Need to book flights urgently. Thanks It's back onlineit's still down for me :(

01 February 2022 12:02:00 Guest

can i use my credit account to book a hotel?

31 January 2022 04:01:00 Kristine

John Thomas : Please let me know when ‘temporarily unavailable’ problem with credits is going to be resolved. Need to book flights urgently. Thanks It's back online

26 January 2022 01:01:00 RaRa

I have the same scenario... I didn't use my credit account yet but now it's zero. WHY AIRASIA??? Pls solve our concern ASAP. I need to use it before it's expiry. It will expire this March. Huhu... And currently, plane tickets now are so expensive!!!! Do you want us to pay moreee???!!! How dare you companies like that treating people this way in times of crisis... 😭😭😭😭

25 January 2022 08:01:00 Jeff Young

AirAsia, this is so frustrating, I’ve been trying for days to credit my account through AVA for a flight they cancelled, I wouldn't recommend this airline to anyone.

25 January 2022 08:01:00 Suchi Sangeeta

Hi My credit account balance has reduced to 0. On 15th Sept 2021 , it got credited with INR 77602, but on 21st Sept 2021, all credit got deducted. I dont know what to do and whom to approach. I got a mail on 15th Sept 2021 from Air Asia stating that credit balance can be used by Sept 2023. Can you help me with either refund of the money(77602 rupees) or credit account updation with the same balance

25 January 2022 08:01:00 Guest

Actually i already book a flight , but then i want to change the date , then to proceed with new date i need to pay 1000++ ( it look like i need to pay double for ticket fees again) i hasnt proceed to make a payment . The question is why my previous flight booking gone from my app ? I couldn find my previous booking and new flight date promp pending payment . Why ???

24 January 2022 12:01:00 John Thomas

Please let me know when ‘temporarily unavailable’ problem with credits is going to be resolved. Need to book flights urgently. Thanks

22 January 2022 03:01:00 Guest

Me too. We should report AIRASIA to the authorities. SCAM

21 January 2022 05:01:00 Guest

This issue doesn't seem to be resolved. I have encountered similar problem when I still have credit account but there is no option for me to use my credit account to purchase my flight ticket at all. Airasia has definitely been unfair to the consumers and it is all lies that we can use our credit account as long as it hasn't reached the expiry date.

20 January 2022 05:01:00 Guest

Guest : Tan Gaik Fan : I would like to redunds credit account to my bank account,because due to covid-19 we can't flight to other credit account will exipiry soon ,pls understand & kindly refunds for me,thanks. I used AVA and made a "complaint", then I typed in that I want a credit account refund to my credit card. I entered the original booking number. I have received a case number from AirAsia. Try the same i tried this.. but didnot work.. I want refund my credit account.. Since i airasia shows "Temporarily Unavailable" upon check out page whenever i want to book a new flight.. Its frustrating & disappointed.. Plus, its gonna expired soon.. i need refund for my credit account..

20 January 2022 05:01:00 Guest

Marie : I have credit in my account but when I checkout doesn’t give me the option to apply it me too.. "Temporarily Unavailable".. disappointed with air asia.. Give people no way for refund but credit account.. But when customer wants to use their credit account, its not available.. I guess until the validity is over.. Steal customers money..

12 January 2022 11:01:00 Razvan

Hello . I have 712.40 USD Credit account Valid until 29 Apr 23 . If anyone wants' the credit I will sell it for 600 USD , because we can not travel for sure next year.

10 January 2022 05:01:00 Guest

Hi! I have the same issue. My Credit Account Balance is also gone when it was not supposed to expire until next year

09 January 2022 02:01:00 Guest

Dian Anggraini : My Air Asia Credit Account Point was lost, please help me too

09 January 2022 11:01:00 Guest

im trying to login to airasia app and when i was asked for OTP and requested, it says "Method is not allowed"

09 January 2022 11:01:00 Dian Anggraini

My Air Asia Credit Account Point was lost, please help

09 January 2022 08:01:00 gracce

my air asia credit account point was lost.

05 January 2022 10:01:00 Guest

Guest : helli can i use my credit account to book a hotel?

04 January 2022 06:01:00 Guest

Mohammad Fakhrizani : hello, my account credit is gone after i put it in the actual ticket discount. I bought with two payment methods, namely credit account and the rest was paid using online banking, at the end of the payment using online banking (credit account is already used to reduce the amount of online banking payment), I canceled the online banking payment because I want to add luggage in my booking, when I want repeat the payment process, my account credit is lost. please help. hi, there! does your problem got solved? i'm having the same issue right now, and would like to know how to get your credit account back

01 January 2022 03:01:00 Guest

Guest : AirAsia is the most convenience low cost i ever tried when its cancel, I can choose free reschedule or refund full into credit account , AVA is quite easy to use, I just follow the instruction and done. be smart guys Wrong as Airasia make it almost impossible to redeem the credit when booking a new flight

28 December 2021 11:12:00 Guest

helli can i use my credit account to book a hotel?

18 December 2021 03:12:00 Guest

Guest : Why i can't view my credit account transaction history? That aspect has been unavailable for over 6 months at least. If you are a BIG customer you can see your credit amount in the first drop down but that's it.

18 December 2021 10:12:00 Marie

I have credit in my account but when I checkout doesn’t give me the option to apply it

16 December 2021 07:12:00 Angga Daditya

I got my refund to my account. But, now it says my account was blocked out of nowhere?! Thank god it was just around 300K IDR ($20). Air Asia needs money and they chose to scam their customer. Thank you

16 December 2021 01:12:00 Guest

Guest : Just booked, but it failed. When will the charge be refunded? Pls. help

15 December 2021 05:12:00 Guest

Just booked, but it failed. When will the charge be refunded? Pls. help

15 December 2021 03:12:00 Guest

When that money will be refund

15 December 2021 05:12:00 Guest

Why i can't view my credit account transaction history?

14 December 2021 11:12:00 Guest

I cannot use the credit account while booking

13 December 2021 08:12:00 Guest

I cannot book a flight using my credit account balance because there is no option to use it

10 December 2021 07:12:00 Roger

Hello, My booking processing has failed, when can i expect the refund? How long does it take for AirAsia?

10 December 2021 08:12:00 Guest

Hi All, i have a confirmed ticket in airasia,but when i trying to do the webcheckin the system is showing the seats are unavailable state Please help me on this

09 December 2021 03:12:00 Mohammad Fakhrizani

hello, my account credit is gone after i put it in the actual ticket discount. I bought with two payment methods, namely credit account and the rest was paid using online banking, at the end of the payment using online banking (credit account is already used to reduce the amount of online banking payment), I canceled the online banking payment because I want to add luggage in my booking, when I want repeat the payment process, my account credit is lost. please help.

08 December 2021 09:12:00 MARIEA

Can i convert credit account into cash

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